Sunday, August 5, 2018

Today matters

I posted this on Facebook this week and wanted to make sure I put it in the blog also.

Fear is a liar.
The fear that you
will never be more
than who you thought
you were back when
you did the things that
try to bring shame
is lying to you.
Don't listen.

You were meant
for so much more
than grievous struggle.
But if fear distracts you
with shame, loneliness,
frustration, and anger,
you won't be able to
focus on what
that more is.

You are not perfection
that was broken, needing
to be fixed or hidden away.
You are perfectly broken,
with an ability to touch others
with authenticity in a way
that nobody else can.
Be confident, know
you have purpose.

You were created to be seen, not hide.
You were created to lead, not follow.
You were designed to create, not copy.
You were created to live, not merely exist.

Don't let anything distract you from that...
not a moment or a whole lifetime of moments.
Today is a new day to live. Choose life.