Sunday, October 29, 2023

A New Journey...

I made this post on Facebook last Wednesday:

In February '22 when we bought the office building, Mike was unhappy in his job... But he had been there a long time and there were good reasons to stay.

I told a lot of people that my goal was to grow the businesses enough to work Mike out of his job. I wanted him to be able to find something he loves doing... whether that's music or something else. I even told him, "Give me two years."

Earlier this year, Pekin Insurance restructured and Mike's position changed a bit and he started liking his job again.

I was a little disappointed because I wanted him to do what he loved... but it was stability.

Even though we were sure his job was safe for a number of reasons, including his high performance numbers and the fact that he'd been there over 15 years, Mike was let go yesterday, along with many other people.

It took a day to sink in, but the timing didn't escape me... with the severance package he was offered, it will carry us through until mid-February, 2 years exactly since I made that "Give me two years." statement.

We're hanging out this morning, running an errand for Harmonize Peoria and talking... and it's so encouraging that now that it has sunk in, we're both more excited than anything.

We don't know what God's plan is, be we are both pretty sure it's going to be cool...


It's been five days since he got the call and life is really good right now. It almost seems like a weight has been lifted off of him. 

There's more to share here. This part of the story isn't about being in a good place and getting this news and then still being in a good place. But I need to keep writing. A little every day. 

So I'll share some more tomorrow...

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